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Office of Communications

DEP 101

DEP 101 is where news media reporters and the public can find basic information about the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and its programs and initiatives.

These one-pagers provide background information that can help the public better understand the department’s role in regulating businesses; managing, buying and selling state land; setting water policy; and restoring water bodies.

The topics range from basic information about the department’s offices and programs to specific initiatives being carried out statewide to better protect the environment. 

Water Conservation Tips

Those who live along the coast know the drill for hurricane season. Stock up on medicine, gas, water and cash. Keep a three-day supply of everything you need handy in case the power goes out. Although water conservation is not part of the rainy season drill, it should be.

When prolonged or heavy rains saturate the ground, stormwater retention ponds may overflow and yards and streets may flood, causing sanitary sewer systems to also overflow.

Hot Topic: State Water Quality

To protect the quality of Florida’s rivers, lakes, springs, estuaries and coastal watersheds, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection executes and oversees a continuous cycle of water quality assessment, protection and restoration. The department’s Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration is primarily responsible for the programs that implement this process.


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